Monday, November 26, 2012

My Statistics.

My Blog’s statistics

Thanks to the Statistics tab available on the blogger page, I figured out that my blog had been visited 220 times since I created it. The majority of people come from the United States and the rest is from Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, Algeria and Netherlands, which is very surprising because I though only my classmates would visit my blog. Apparently not J
 Most of the page views (74 %) are seen by the operating system Windows and the second most used one is Macintosh for 21%. As regard pageviews by browsers, the most used is Internet Explorer for 42%, closely followed by Firefox with 31%, then by Safari and Chrome with respectively 12 for each.

My Facebook and Twitter’s statistics
I’ve created my Facebook account four years ago and I have now 533 Facebook friends.  On my Twitter account I have 65 followers and I am following 69 persons.

Monday, November 12, 2012

How measure Social Media's ROI ?

Last week, we broached the Social Media's Return On Investement (ROI).
Every company which invest in Social networks want Return On Investment. But the question is : How firms can measure it ?
I'm going to bring some findings in this new post.

ROI = (gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment

To measure ROI, businesses can begin easily by checking some points which could be relevant :
- Click Through Rate (CTR)
- Increase of followers
- Eyeballs (how many people are exposed to the website)
- Number of Likes, retweets, mentions

However, there are some tools more efficient.

  • Step 1: Determine your Social Media Spend (SMS). This includes hard and soft costs like salary and equipement, including your time.
  • Step 2: Determine your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). It's important to get clear about the true value of customers in order to increase customer retention!
  • Step 3: Determine New Customer Value (NCV) by using tracking software like Google analytics.
  • Step 4: Add up your impressions from Twitter and Facebook, cumulative YouTube views, website traffic and any other online source to have a view.
Gathered, all these tactics and tools help every firm to measure its own Social Media's Return On Investment.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Twitter chat!

On the Halloween day , we didn't have to attend our Social Media class because we decided to organize a Twitter chat instead. I was part of the morning group, with nine or ten others students.
The point of this chat was experimenting the social network Twitter having a conversation. For that, we had to answer the questions asked by the profesor and communicate between each others by responding and tweeting. The hashtag we use at the end of every tweet was #smclass2012
I liked this chat on Wednesday because it was very interactive and everyone responded quickly to each other. This was an interesting exchange of information. I discover social networks that I didn't know, live QQ, a famous Asian one. We also talked about Linkedin and Viadeo, which are great to get profesional contacts and to find a job or an internship.

However, it was hard and it took time to read all posted tweets because we were around ten or eleven people tweeting at the same time during the chat. I also had to remember to add the class' hashtag every time I tweeted.
But it was a funny and interesting experience!
I often to log in on Twitter, so it was not my first time and I really love this way of microblogging :)

What about Skype ?

I also love Skype and honestly I can't live without it when I am abroad. It's the best way to keep in touch with my family and my friends. I spent time (one or two hours) on Skype every day.